Game Designer             678.754.4068         



         Unreal Editor 4

         Unreal Editor 3

         CryEngine 3

         Hammer Editor


         Environment Design/Lighting

         Technical Documentation







         Unreal Script

         Flow Graph

         Action Script 3

         Valve Hammer Script





         Unreal Material Editor

         Unreal Particle Editor

         Adobe Photoshop

         Autodesk 3DS Max/Maya 


         Microsoft Office Suite

         Adobe Flash

         Security Clearance Pending


2K Publishing

Cinematic Artist/Designer (Contract, Shipped AAA Titles)

XCOM 2, Batlleborn – March 2015 to December 2015

Work Done:     Designed and implemented camera work, stage direction, environments, lighting, and effects for multiple cut-scenes and trailers in UE3 Kismet and Matinee.  Worked closely with artists and animators.

Game Info:      XCOM 2 is the sequel to the Firaxis' sleeper success XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and is a turn-based tactical shooter.  Battleborn is a mulltiplayer online shooter, and follow up to Gearbox's beloved Borderlands series.


Game Content Designer

UE4 Military Training Simulations – October 2013 to Present

Work Done:     Designed/implementedgameplay, functionality, cut scenes, effects, and HUD/UI elements in Unreal 4, using Blueprint, Matinee, Cascade, the material editor, and UMG.  Worked closely with artist, programmers, and animators to complete deliverables to AAA standards within tight deadlines, trained new hires, presented work at industry trade shows.

Projects Info:   Unreal 4, rapid prototype demos which train players to disarm explosive devices (for NATO), and operate military jets.  Secret clearance pending for March, 2015.

2K Marin

Cinematic Scripter/Designer (Contract, Shipped AAA Title)

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified – March 2013 to July 2013

Work Done:     Scripted and implemented animations, effects, camera work, and integrated gameplay for multiple significant cut scenes and in-game scripted events in UE3 Kismet and Matinee.  Worked closely with designers, programmers, and animators.

Game Info:      Squad-based 3rd person shooter with 1950’s alien invasion theme.  Unreal Engine game featuring squad and cover-based combat, and customizable team members with unique abilities.


Quality Assurance Analyst (Shipped AAA Title)

Saints RowMay 2006 to August 2006

Work Done:     Quality assurance testing (UI, single player, multiplayer, localization).

Game Info:      Action sandbox game with gang theme for Xbox 360.

Crucible Entertainment

Game Designer, Scripter, FX Artist (Indie)

Kensho(Adrift) – December 2012 to Present

Work Done:     Created original concept, scripting in JavaScript (initial Unity prototype), 2D/3D art, HUD/UI, effects using Cascade, Shiruken, Maya, Photoshop.

Game Info:      Indie mobile space navigation game.  Effects-heavy, physics-based, 2D Unreal 4 game with Lunar Lander style controls, gravity from white dwarves and black holes, limited fuel resources.

The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University

Scripter/Developer (Student)

Engemmed – May 2012 to November 2012

Work Done:     Designed and scripted all content in Action Script 3, player data tagging and tracking, scripted particle effects, created art in Photoshop.

Project Info:    Flash and AS3-based thesis artifact.  Testers click gems with different feedback schedules, testing value of operant conditioning in games.

The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University

Level Designer (Student)

This Is You and Me – October 2011 to May 2012

Contributions: Area/puzzle design, Landscape, BSP, and Kismet scripting (Level 1: Area 4 and Level 2: Area 2), design documentation, custom particle effects (Glove of Blasting and Ground Pound).

Game Info:      UDK companion game in set in the woods as seen through a child’s eyes.


Masters of Interactive Technology, Level Design

The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University – Plano, Texas

January 2011 to December 2012

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Interactive Design and Game Development

Savannah College of Art and Design – Atlanta, Georgia

October 2006 to October 2009