Presented for:
Aaron Contreras - Lead Narrative Designer
Vincent Amala - Studios Recruiter
Star Wars Team
Battleborn and The Bureau Cinematics Reel
00:00:05 - 00:01:41
Working with 2K Publishing, I was part of a strike team which supported studios such as Firaxis, Gearbox, and Hangar 13. As the point man for Battleborn, my role was using in-game assets to create cinematic sequences.
00:01:45 - 00:02:45
Working with 2K Marin, I created and integrated cut-scenes and in-game scripted events into the gameplay of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.
Skills depicted:
- Camera Composition and Movement
- Environments, Stage Creation, Mise-en-scène
- Cinematic Scripting and Implementation
- Lighting
- Particle Effects
- Final Render Output
- Scripted Event Design and Implementation
- Integrating Scripted Events and Cinematics Into Gameplay
static Renders

Between full cinematics, I often contributed full-resolution static renders of full scenes or single characters for magazine spreads, internet articles, cosplay guides, et cetera on Battleborn and XCOM 2.
(Downsized here for web preview.)
*This page is confidential and unlisted. It can only be located with the direct link.